Buster, Karen Y.

Karen Y. Buster, born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, was nurtured in a vibrant, artistic household, featuring a designer mother, a dancer sister, a wordsmith-poet sister, and an artist brother. Encouraged by her family, Karen’s artistic journey began, guided by a belief in her inherent talent and divine inspiration. Her transition from a t-shirt designer to a renowned fine artist spans over three decades, marked by accolades such as Baltimore’s “Unsung” Art Exhibition 2014 Female Artist of the Year. Karen’s creations, including her distinctive black and white X-acto® Knife cut-outs, resonate with collectors, offering solace and inspiration in personal struggles. Influenced by her formative years in New Orleans, where she studied and graduated from Dillard University, Karen infuses her work with the city’s musical energy and sensuality. Today, she continues her artistic journey in Bowie, Maryland, crafting pieces that captivate audiences worldwide and adorn the collections of celebrities and esteemed institutions alike.




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