In the Word


“In the Word” by LaShun Beal, combines stained-glass design with bold colors and smooth textures. It features an African American woman holding a Bible.

Beal, LaShun
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“In the Word” by LaShun Beal features a stylized portrait of an African American woman in a contemplative pose, holding an open Bible. The woman occupies the central focus, with her head turned slightly to the side and her eyes closed, suggesting deep thought or introspection. The composition is balanced with the figure filling most of the frame, creating a strong visual impact.

The foreground consists of the woman, dressed in a flowing, bright yellow garment that drapes elegantly around her. The book she holds is prominent, its pages open towards the viewer. Her skin is depicted in green tones, adding a surreal quality to the image. The woman’s facial expression is serene, and her red lips stand out vividly against her green skin.

The background is abstract and vibrant, featuring bold, swirling patterns in shades of blue, purple, orange, and red. These colors blend and contrast with each other, providing a rich, dynamic backdrop that enhances the central figure. The use of dark outlines helps to define the shapes and adds to the stained-glass effect of the overall artwork.

The artistic style of the image is reminiscent of stained-glass artwork, characterized by bold outlines and vibrant colors. The use of color is expressive and non-naturalistic, focusing on creating an emotional impact rather than a realistic representation. The textures are smooth and flowing, contributing to the fluidity and movement within the piece.

The color palette is bold and varied, with a strong emphasis on primary and secondary colors. The textures are smooth and glossy, further enhancing the stained-glass aesthetic. The interplay of light and color creates a sense of depth and richness, drawing the viewer’s eye across the entire composition.


Dimensions 39 × 25.25 in
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